Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Birth Control Methods 101: Birth Pills - Nordette, Trust Pink Pill, Diane 35 & Condom

Sex is always good. Anyone who thinks otherwise are either a virgin or just a plain hypocrite. What scares others to do sex is the consequence of getting pregnant, infection or worst - disease. But that shouldn't stop you from experiencing the extent of human's greatest pleasure. It is something that needs to be celebrated and not feared. We fear because our knowledge are just within a certain limit. If we broaden our mind and know our options, then there is nothing to be feared.

In the Philippines, sex is taboo, hence, everything that is related to it is not openly discussed. Whenever the topic of early pregnancy, HIV or STDs are raised, some conservatives would always break the topic and tell us that is why you should only have sex once you marry. Well, it is not 100% wrong. Because if you are afraid, then abstain. That would be the most ideal way to do it, but why should you do that? Why should you deprive yourself of something that is beautiful and satisfying?

The question here should be - "How can I be safe?", and it should be discussed based on facts and not counter arguments that sex is bad and shouldn't be celebrated unless it is with the person you vowed in the altar with.

Since it is not well accepted, more and more teenagers even those who are in the right age gets into early pregnancy or catch infectious diseases. Well, what can we expect? The mere asking of valid questions are usually shut down and make us feel ashamed. It is always when it is already too late that we learned from our mistakes and bother knowing the truth, hence, regret.

So, how can you protect yourself? Who can you ask? I hope this post in a sense can give you a worthy advise on how to protect yourself and be responsible for your own doings. Sex is not bad. It is human nature. What is important is that 1) You wanted it 2) It fulfilled your cravings and made you feel happy, and 3) You're responsible for the consequences that comes with it may it be getting caught, getting pregnant, doing it with a douche or getting infected.

To do this. you would have to use contraceptives and protections. Not just for your self, but for your partner as well. There are a couple of birth control methods that are available in the market. For now, I'll be discussing the common used birth control contraceptive (oral) pills and condoms.

So, without further ado, let us get started.

Contraceptive pills 
source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/10457328/Contraceptive-pill-doubles-risk-of-leading-cause-of-blindness.html

How does it work?

Pregnancy occurs when the egg from a woman’s ovary meets sperm of a man. Once entwined, both eggs are attached to the womb where the baby grows. With the help of contraceptive, your body (1) is given estrogen and progestin hormones that helps the woman’s body stop ovulating, (2) helps produce mucus that challenges the sperm to go to the cervix and find and egg, and (3) change womb lining makes it hard for the entwined egg and sperm to be implanted on the womb.  

How to buy?

Like any other medication, you should always have prescription from a doctor. However, I completely understand if the first thing you asked is google... I mean what does google doesn't know right? There are various kind of contraceptives and you should get the right contraceptive for you depending on your medical condition and body type. Since these are man made hormones that you are trying to indulged your body with, you would have to be extra cautious on what yo take as not to cause complications later on. Sex is fun, but your health should always be the priority. 

Hence, pharmacies are not longer that strict in selling contraceptives. You can now buy over the counter even without prescription as long as 1) You don't look like a minor , and 2) You don't look clueless about what you are buying, hence, they will deny you a purchase. Mercury drugs and Watsons are two of the most reliable drug stores that carries pills. 

List of contraceptives you can choose from:

Source: Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Philippine Society for Responsible Parenthood, 2002

Cost varies. It is sold for between PhP50 to PhP400, depending on the brand that you are buying. I personally used Nordette and Trust Pink Pill. However, Nordette was pulled out by Pfizer due to some drug content and there are no official announcement yet on when it will be available in the market again.

How to use it?

There are two ways on how to do it. (1) Emergency Contraceptive or Morning (after) Pill and (2) Regular usage of contraceptive.

              Emergency Contraceptive

If you're not using contraceptive regularly and had an unprotected sex, you can do the Emergency Contraceptive Pill also known as Morning Pill. Why morning pill you ask? Well, it is because you take it the morning after. It is most effective after 72 hours of your time you had an intercourse. You can still take the morning pill after that but the percentage of not getting pregnant gets low. Effectivity on the first 48 hours is between 90%-95%, so,the earlier you take it the better. 

In doing emergency contraceptive, take 4 pills within the next 72 hours after your last intercourse, and take 4 pills after 12 hours. In case you missed taking the next pill on the exact time, take another 4 pills 12 hours after the last time you took it. This may cause vomiting, nausea and other adverse body effect. It will also change your cycle. So, you should not worry when that happens. However, if the feeling worsen, be sure to consult a doctor.

What to expect?

Well, once you've done that, all you have to do now is wait. It is always handy to keep a record of your cycle. Easiest way is to download "My Days" app on your smart mobile. The earliest you can have a pregnancy test is after 10-14 days after the unprotected sex or one day delay from you expected menstrual period, that would be more reliable.

             Regular Usage 

1. Take one pill daily from the time of your first menstruation. If in case you wanted to start early, you can still take on on any day, but do not engage to an intercourse first. Wait for 7 days before you can do a unprotected sex.

2. You take the pill every after 24 hours. If you don't then the effectiveness of the pill will be lower.  So, it is easier if you take it with a daily routine. I personally take it after work.

3. If you are using the 28 pill pack, take the new pack right after the last brown pill.

4. If you are using the 21 pack, rest for 7 days and take the new pack right after.

                          Missed Pill

One Pill                 - Take the pill as soon as you remember, and take the next pill on your regular  
Two Pills               - Take the pill as soon as you remember, and take the next pill on your regular
                                 time. Use condom or abstain for the next 7 days.
3-6 Pills                 - Same as two pills, and then you can finish the rest of the pack.
7 or more Pills      - Same as two pills, but throw the pack and start a new one.


  • Liver disorder
  • Cancer
  • Clotting Disorder
  • Hormone active tumors
  • Idiophatic Jaundice
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Excessive Acne
  • Irregular cycle
  • Improves Acne
  • Better Skin

Drug Interaction

  • Drug for infection and pain (e.g ampicillin, chloramphenicol, penicillin, analgesic, anti-migraine, tranquilliser)
  • Anti-infective drugs (e.g clarithromycin, erythromycin, itraconazole)
  • Drugs that induce hepatic enzyme and anti-tuberculosis (e.g carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, felbamate)
  • Troleandomycin

There is still about 2% chance of you getting pregnant even if you use contraceptive pills regularly. But that is better than not doing anything right? If you want to be more sure about this, you can try mixing different kind of contraception like

  • Pills + Condom
  • Pills + Calendar Counting
  • Pills+Withdrawal+Calendar Counting
I understand how being horny can sometimes leave us reckless but risk shouldn't be taken like that. if you take a risk, be sure its a calculated one.

Hence, pills can only help you not get pregnant. For infection and diseases, there is no other remedy for that except for using condom or well, of course, abstinence. Hence, our next topic.


It is a thin rubber that is placed on men's penis for protection and contraception. In the Philippines, common brands are Durex, Trust and Frenzy. Cost per pack is Php 50 - Php 150 depending on the brand and kind. 

Most men hate using condom because it minimises the sensation when the penis strokes insides the female's vagina. But that is also because the size of condom that are available on the country are for average sizes which is around 4" to 5". Outside the country you can buy a party pack (12 condoms per pack) for all size including bigger ones that is as big as 9" to 13".

It can also come in flavour. So as not to smell like rubber, and for some because girls that would like some taste on it as they head their man, but that is just senseless for me... 

How to use a condom?

1. Open the pack on the side, making sure that the rubber is out of the way in the open. Make sure that your using it before the expiry date.
2. Check if the condom is in good condition. 
3. Pinch the end softly so as the air wouldn't come in, hence won't pop the rubber while the guy strokes on the girl.
4. Slid the rest of the rubber up to the end of the guy's penis. 

Source: http://www.avert.org/condom-use-types-sizes.htm

Where to buy?

Condoms are readily available everywhere. You can buy them in the pharmacies, groceries, and even on convenient stores.

It takes a lot of guts to buy condoms. If you do, don't act differently. You just look stupid and for sure you'll be the talk of the night of those cashiers. Feminist as it may sound, I still believe that guys should be the one buying condoms. However, girls, should also take in their pride and buy one if the guy is acting like a douche. Well, it is better to be seen buying a condom than getting pregnant or getting infected right?  Keeping a stash on your wallet or purse is also a good idea. Just be sure to keep it well hidden...and I repeat...well hidden.

Remember that you can't trust anyone on this. Even if your partner claims that he knows what he is doing, never do so...because I'm telling you, he is as clueless as you are. So, why rely on here says? Get your facts right. Research or better yet go to the doctor. 

The very first time I went to see an OB-Gyne, I got scolded for engaging to pre-marital sex and was told not to do it again or she will even deny me consultation. Imagine my dismay and the how I felt bad about myself. I was like THE SINNER among all sinners. For one, they are doctors. They vowed to do their job, and keep their patient's medical issues to be confidential. If they do otherwise, you always have the option to sue them. I think it is only a bad idea to go to the doctor if they seemed to be judgemental and give unsolicited advice. Hell, that is so awkward and makes you belittle yourself. But not all doctors are like that. If you are quite hesitant to do this, I suggest to go to the next town or city and find a doctor there. The chances of knowing each other and feeling awkward will be much less. Well, it worked well the second time I tried.

Nothing should stop us from doing what we want to do especially if it will make us happy as long as we know what we are getting ourselves into, and that we are responsible for any consequences that can come after. We make choices. It might be good or bad, nonetheless, we chose that and so must deal with it.

Anything to add with the above mentioned? Share your thoughts and speak the unconventional by leaving a comment below or private message.

For more readings about birth control, check out this blog - http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/birth-control-pills